Electronic Gift Economies (EGE), Inc. relies on the public to support our projects and operations. We have obtained an advance ruling as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so your donation is tax-deductible in the United States.
We accept funds in the form of check or money order for U.S. currency. Please send your donation, payable to "EGE, Inc.", to:
You may request an acknowledgement of your donation by including a note with the payment. The note should indicate either your email address, for a signed electronic acknowledgement, or postal address, for a written acknowledgement.
Besides donations of money, we are also petitioning the public for the following goods and services. If you are interested in donating one of these items, please contact us.
We are looking for donors of internet server space and bandwidth. We will appreciate having the choice of which free software operating system distribution to use and full administration access to the system. Our current requirements can be divided as follows:
We require general hosting for the corporate and project web sites, mailing lists, etc.
As part of the Giftfile Project, we require hosting for the first giftpool. This application has special robustness needs, and may grow to require substantial resources.
When EGE, Inc. receives a donation, the amount and date, along with any contact information you have provided, is recorded for our records. EGE, Inc. will not give, sell, rent or exchange the information with anyone else without your prior consent except as compelled by law.